For the Children

A great life. An even greater future! Choose KFC for your child today! The leaflet was a smorgasbord of bright colours. In addition to the corporate…

The Biggest Fuckers in Europe

I'm with my friend Sisebuto on Avenida de Reyes Católicos, in Burgos capital, watching his Amadis dog shit, him with admiring eyes of that shit that…

Bring the Prisoner Another Shot of Whiskey

“You want another shot, buddy?” my roommate amiably asks. Hell yeah I do. I grunt, which means “yes,” these days. Lockdown used to be only for…

The Ghost Writer (Francine’s Dilemma), Part 3

Luckily, Rosalee didn’t live very far from the library and it was only a five minute car ride. She lived in a small rancher in a quiet cul de sac. It…

The Prodigal Son of Captain Ron

We had a family friend named Ron, who everyone called Captain Ron. He was always found shooting heroin in an abandoned rowboat on the beach. Jokes…

Gratuity Optional

What a dump, thought Geno as he pulled the lapels of his rumpled trench coat together over a sweater and two sweatshirts. After all he had done for…

Daddy’s Breath

I’ve been drunk on my Daddy’s breath since the day I was born. When we’d run out of milk, he’d pour scotch on his Apple Jacks, sometimes splash a…

A Problem in Gravity, Part 5

X. Trooper Perkins’ body was never found, only his burned-out cruiser. Nothing was recoverable from the dash-cam. A memorial for Trooper Randall…


Louise had to step over the young man’s outstretched legs, or alter her course, either way giving her student a victory in the subtle war that had…

Thirteen Days and Seven Cardinals

Memorial Day was arguably the single worst day of the year all because he simply didn’t want to remember. He couldn’t even leave his house without…