The Islands Tell of It, Chapter 13: Trip to Milwaukee

I got to work, rushing to Wyla’s desk to share my vivid night terrors. “You have got to hear this!” Wyla got up from her seat and put her hand up to…


“Shit.” I’m late again. This is my third date in a row with Lina that I’ll have shown up late to. I showed up 15 minutes early the first time we met;…

On the Boulevard Under the Swastika: A Heartwarming Tale of Hate, Part 2

V. Gee ran over to Jimmy excitedly. “They’re going to use it.” “What?” “The GIF. The projectionist downloaded it and Skattered Kunts are going to…

Journal Entry: July 23, 1968

During today’s scheduled outing, our squad lead relayed us information from command, told us that we were to RTB and that our current patrol mission…

The Black Block

Lucinda Haynes was a widow of 24 when she found a new man. Her previous spouse, Malcolm, had died from a sickness of the stomach when she was 22. Two…

Exiles of the Sun

 “If I'm an angel, paint me with black wings.” --- Anne Rice, The Vampire Armand A collective shudder of eager expectation like the ripple of massing…

The Islands Tell of It, Chapter 12: Luana Barba

After setting into their hotel accommodations in downtown New Orleans, Luther and Althea took a short ferry ride from the foot of Canal Street to…

The Writer

He sat at his desk in the upstairs study, typewriter in front of him, a glass of his favorite Italian red wine to the left, the remainder of the…

On the Boulevard Under the Swastika: A Heartwarming Tale of Hate, Part 1

I. He looked into her large, dark eyes, the kind that light never seemed to escape from. As if they could hold the whole of the world. “Don’t,” she…

A Betrayal of Trust

Mr. Lucas parked his red Toyota Camry in the empty parking lot underneath the baseball field. After the headlights expired, the only remaining light…