Latest Submissions

“Martyrology,” “The Failure of Lucidity,” and “Study Time”

Martyrology We listened from a distance  for your chrysalis to speak. To give us intel, a reason, some sign we could clutch tight against our…

Market Correction

I received an invitation to my 20th high school reunion. How they’d tracked me down I did not know. There is no escaping these people once they set…

Our Lady’s Bees

A brisk cool evening wind snatches the day’s warmth. Gathering it up from the Earth, the wind tosses it to the sky. Trees on the Île de la Cité wave…

6 to 6: A Day with Melanie

Melanie’s talking as she walks up the sidewalk toward my cab. She’s talking as she opens the door. She’s talking as I ask her where she wants to go.…

The Incel Magician

Looking back, I wouldn’t call myself desperate; I needed a calling, a reason to pass my time on this earth, for virtue was my cause, for virtue I…

The Yard Man

Greg knew that his neighbor Pete was always worried about his house getting robbed, even though they lived in an upper middle class suburb. There had…

The Ring of Gyges, Part 2

VI. “The headband?” Adam said. “That’s not a ring, and besides, I just lost it. I can’t find it anywhere.” “The line between fact and fiction is…

“Before Everything Went Down” and “Remembering the Dead”

bEFORE eVERYTHING wENT dOWN I watch the flies outside bzzing around eating out rotting dead cat rubbing their legs together fucking like tiny…

True Love, Part 3

VII. Ken woke up to the familiar scent of his own bed. He groaned weakly and tried to sit up. Instantly he heard the zip of a wire and he was sprung…

“Exile on Washington Street,” “Like Winter Into Spring,” “The Brotherhood of Night Drivers,” and “In the Valley of Zero”

Exile on Washington Street The collected mass bays for blood. “Kill him” and “Crucify him,” they sing through assorted smiles. This is no ordinary…