Latest Submissions

“Rhuck U 2,” “Dreaming,” “Subs,” and “Coach”

Rhuck U 2 My roommate had the bleeding eyes of a Jesus freak and a heavy rap I got tired of so moved to an empty room in the dorm down the hall next…

The Shadow Men, Part 5 — Excerpt 1

“May I smoke?” John asked. The two guards eyed him. No pleasantry, total seriousness, a nervous stick in their eyes. He didn’t recognize either of…

Now and Forever

The congealed pork sat on the plate adorned with blue forget-me-nots. The irony of the little blue flowers on Lauretta's plates wasn't lost on her…

“On Second Thought,” “Columbia Dreams,” and “The Last Word”

On Second Thought Love at first sight, Romance, A simple wedding, Bliss, A blended family, Beautiful, Some marital challenges, Difficult, Then a…

Was it a Butterfly? False Transphobia and Real Abuse in The Silence of the Lambs

“Goodbye Horses” plays as Buffalo Bill poses in the mirror speaking to themselves. “Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me, I’d fuck me SO HARD.” The speech…

666 John’s Apocalypse: A Cycle

I: Man Made Flesh Light made life Shapes come in Undefined and strange Until the figures change They smile through tears They laugh through pain They…

Warning Practice

The tornado siren bangs on the stale, end-of-summer humidity. The sky is so empty the blast echoes against it and empties my ears of any other sound…


Every morning when she woke up, she found she had no skin, again. There was a thin membrane holding everything in, but not really skin. She was…

Black No Sugar

It was the Russian folk music. Sure, people thought my mom was crazy, but they didn’t understand. You had to be there to understand. I was there. Dad…