First Light

I prayed for death, as I felt it would be the only way I’d ever live again. Someone trapped me in a steel cage, with any chance of escape dependent…

The Long Way Home

The bells of St. Christopher’s were tolling the hour as Moe leaned his bulky form against the pole at the intersection of Washington Street and…

The Death of an Age

George stared out at the burning ruins of Washington D.C., his face grim and pitiless. Behind him was Thomas, seated on an old coach, smoking and…

In the Light of the Wake

In the wake of a first-rate funeral home, here in Burgos, they were watching over the deceased in his present box, speaking of him with respect and…

The Painting

The day Ms. Langerford’s fourth grade class went to on a field trip to the Minneapolis Institute of Art and Cole saw the painting, little did he know…

Buried with Envy

“Did you hear that?” he asks softly, his deep voice breaking the silence. It’s a wintry Sunday morning. The rain is coming down in a steady stream;…

Warning: Consuming Jealousy Burger May Increase Risk Of…

“Why put salt on your fruit?” “Salt makes it taste sweeter.” “Wouldn't sugar make it sweeter?” Samantha shrugs. “I guess it's all about contrast.”…

Luminaria, Chapter 3: Killer Gene — Natasha, Part 1

It’s some sort of a space-time vortex or a wormhole. Call it what you want; I’m no expert. All I know is I’m here, while Lance Rey is no doubt…

The Persecution

I feel the eggs rise in my throat. They seem less like food and more like tiny baby chicks that never got to be born. I know Miss McCaully says they…

Christmas Morning

Snowflakes twinkled in the morning light as Abby stared out the living room window. The house felt refreshingly peaceful with no one else awake. The…