My Day at the Synagogue

As I wake up to golden sun rays piercing the blinds and my phone blasting “Beamer Boy” by School Shooter, I know it’s going to be a good day. “What a…

Middle/Post II

Puke in the urinal. What unfolded as minutes was actually probably an hour. Ian blinked hard, pushing his eyelids together with all the strength he…

Saving Evropa

the pavement was red with blood and you covld taste the iron in the air. the sky was brown and the gvnfire in the distance almost sovnded like…

The Selfish Giant Bastard

Once there was a giant bastard that lived in a great big castle. All around the castle was a beautiful garden, and at the bottom of the garden was a…

Allure Fades

Lara Whittaker focused her sleepy eyes to find recent eye-candy younger guy crush Asher Prather handing her a hot mug of coffee. He softly said,…


Senior Lieutenant Vezhek stood at attention before the commander. The lieutenant colonel was hoarse from swearing and tired. The starlie* did not…

Jamie and the Shadow Assassin

A three-day-old forgotten chalk outline of yet another who gives a shit victim is just washing away as it circles the sewer; so definitively poetic.…

Murder at the Manor

He was stretched across the chaise lounge as if he were only lightly asleep. On the terrace, Professor Apple was throwing up. The Detective polished…


They heard the voice crackle in their headphones. “Okay, it's coming up now.” Straining their eyes, they saw it: way out on the horizon, barely…

Round Tower

Standing on the slippery, moss-blanketed stone wall’s edge of the round tower, I gaze down as the autumn rain falls from the black sky into the…