
I was studying near halfway across the world in England researching the relationship between longhorn beetles and ancestral conifers when the…


I feel as though I can no longer bear the suffering of this knowledge and thus find it increasingly hard to go on. Thus, I have turned to drink, my…

Hell’s Neon

Tripping, I fell headfirst. I woke up dead. Well, that was my initial thought anyways. Before the fall, there were people walking the sidewalks, and…

Brzezinski’s Adult Book Emporium

The phone rang again, and I ignored it again. She was undressing in the hallway, in front of a flock of admirers. Not assembled for her specifically;…

Shack Rat, Part 1

He would remember two specific things for years: the key ring Jamal tossed on to the glass topped coffee table in Kurt’s apartment, and the smell of…

The Devil Don’t Lie

Reaming in the rectory, Father Anthony Recio thought amusedly, mentally patting himself on the back. A great title, he mused, should he leave the…

Chastity Belt

This is the lock of the chastity belt that El Cid Campeador put on his wife Doña Jimena when he left her in the care of the monks of the Monastery of…

Why I Don’t Run Away Anymore, Part 4

It was many minutes later I realized I still had the knife gripped in my hand. I rolled to my back and floated, closed it, and managed to stuff it in…

The Divine Identity Crisis

God is but everything and everyone at once, and time, the forever fragmented unfolding of our identity crisis. In the horrific heat of my true worst…

Dog City

Reading about sex is among the most boring things one could ever do. Middle-aged WASPs and their first-time memories. Those numbing descriptions of…