Disappearances at Dr. Snow’s

A large, rundown Victorian house sits on the corner of Fourth Street and 30th Avenue in Bennington, Vermont; you can’t miss it. It is owned by Dr.…


Nathan jumped off his bike and rang the doorbell. He let several seconds pass, then opened the door. He was keen to get his chore over with. Electric…

The Cannibal

I am watching my penis being eaten. It is soft and tiny now that the blood is gone. There is a hole, a gaping flesh wound where my penis was. I have…

The Pincushion Man

“The people of this world are just balloons to him,” the medium said. Seated around the medium’s circle was an odd assortment of people. From left to…

The Militia

Dedicated to my childhood friend Viktor Telepnev… Mishka dreamed of a slingshot. A good slingshot with whose help he will hit windows, cats and…

A Little Rock ‘n’ Roll and Tequila

A little rock ‘n’ roll and tequila is good for us in the alternation of generations and in our nuclear skull. Our animal organism has a diploid…


“So, you’re going fishing today?” Kyle looked up from his workbench at the back of their narrow trailer and grinned. “Yeah. It’s my day off and Frank…

Three Pioneers: Adventures of a Theoretical Fraud, Part 2

You know---you are a journalist. Great stuff, this journalism. I read most of your pieces: you always were honest. And when you asked for an…

But Only Darkness Loves Me

Blackwood sits at the edge of Pendle township, waiting. Some forests wait for loggers, some wait for the breaking of clouds followed by the warm…


When Carter got to work on Monday, he decided that now was the time to barricade himself inside his cubicle once and for all. For weeks, he had…