The Black Lagoon

Sheryl woke up around midnight to find a roughly humanoid giant monster in her bedroom. As she started to scream, the monster tore the covers off her…

What I See in Istanbul

When I tell my Turkish friends I came to Istanbul to escape the West, they think I’m being ironic. I’ve explained that if you’re young and live in…

Breakfast in Hermosillo

Natalia wakes up snotty. Coughing to beat the band, making a big show in the middle of the night. She reaches over, elbows me, touches my face. “Oh,…

Notes from a Healthy Relationship

Lately being whored out by you is what gets me to climax. The thought of it. Probably because it means 1) attention on me 2) I am useful to you 3)…


We’re in shop class. I’m pretending to weld a thin piece of metal to another strip of metal, but really I’m just heating up a small piece of scrap…

The Shadow Men, Part 1 — Excerpt 3

John peered out the window directly on his right. Their plane had been in the air for about two hours, and yet he was already getting bored by the…

COVID Vaccine Fight

The connoisseurs, the smart ones of the big laboratories, neither to affirm nor to deny dare to say that this or that vaccine is the best and…

The Story of It, Part 2

I’m going off on a tangent again...let’s see, where was I? Who I am. Or rather, who I was. Right. Well, let’s go back to when I was 14 and became…

Brotherly Love, Part 2

The therapist was located above a bike repair shop in a strip mall. With the fee he was charging, I would’ve expected him to be in a high rise…

Show Me Your Love

“You still haven’t told me where we are going yet.” The panic in her voice was rising, but Ty could hear that she was still trying to keep things…